Sweet Cookies for a Rainy Day

I’m home in Connecticut for spring break. None of my friends are home this week, I’m a little bored, and today it just rained and rained and rained. So what better cure for a rainy day than some delicious…and I mean delicious….baking.

At the request of one of my roommates I’ve been meaning to make chocolate chip cookies with Reese’s cups baked in the center. Normally I would have made the cookie dough from scratch, but my mom recently bought a tub of Tollhouse reeses chocolate chip cookies. JPEGchocolate chip cookie dough, so I figured I’d use that. It was a super easy, super quick, super AMAZING bake.

All you have to do is flatten cookie dough in your hand and place a Reese’s cup in the center of the flattened dough. Then wrap the dough around it and form a ball. Just a suggestion though: use less chocolate chips than you usually would for a regular batch of cookies. The chocolate from the Reese’s cup combined with all the chocolate chips can be a little too sweet (if that’s possible).

A great rainy day treat that is easy, fun, and different!

Try it with Oreos as well! Experiment!

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